Friday, May 13, 2011

Tax Payer Funded Abortion Services

Planned Parenthood began as a clinic for “contraception, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infection, and cancer screening and prevention.” But Planned Parenthood posted its service numbers for 2009, and it has substantially increased its abortion services, by 2.5 percent from 2010. 
Planned Parenthood workers were caught on undercover videos helping undercover investigators posing as sex traffickers obtain abortions and STD testing for underage girls who are victims of the sex trade.
Approximately 1.2 million abortions are performed in the United States each year.  Of that number, Planned Parenthood performs a whopping  27.6% of those, making it clear that women who are pregnant receive abortion services rather than help and support.
Abortion services are at the woman’s discretion, and I take the stance of “it’s none of my business.”  But what makes it my business is that my tax dollars, and yours, are paying for someone else’s abortion.  If abortion was needed for a legitimate reason, such as rape or incest, these reasons should be well documented before offering abortion services.  When Planned Parenthood is performing abortions on women who have received multiple abortions, practicing safe sex should be a priority, not another tax payer funded abortion. 
This blog is aimed at a seemingly “left-leaning” audience.  Her evidence is substantial and the argument does flow logically.  I, however, do not agree with the argument. 

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